He's rumoured to be making a return in the current UK series (season four) of Doctor Who, along with Rose (a "harder... sadder" version of her character, actor Billie Piper confirmed in a recent BBC interview) but it's now also confirmed that the dashing, devilish Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) will be back for the third season of Torchwood in 2008. No definite news yet on who is to flesh out the team following the tragic end of season two, however, though Mickey Smith and Martha Jones are both said to be possibilities.
According to this website, however, at this stage the BBC has only green-lit five one-hour specials of Torchwood, with no word yet on whether we can expect more episodes after that. This makes sense, in a way, as it parallels the current plans for Doctor Who in 2009, which will also see only a limited number of one-off episodes produced, in order to allow David Tennant time off to play Hamlet; with season five not scheduled to screen until 2010 (sob!).
Meanwhile in other Who news, the ABC has confirmed season four, starting with the Christmas special starting Kylie Minogue, Voyage of the Damned, will screen on Sunday June 29.
For the most up-to-date page of Who news around, you may like to visit Sylvester McCoy's site (yes, the seventh Doctor) but beware: spoilers abound!
mmmmmmmmmm Captain Jack.
I confess - I printed out a photo of Jack from the interwebs, and took it to my hairdresser, saying 'Make me look like that'.
You know what? With my big comfy trenchcoat on, I kinda do.
Awwww yeah...
In Who related news (at least in my world), I was watching an episode of The Tomorrow People (which I’ve been downloading) last night. I know, it is pretty dreadful, but I never saw that much of it when it was on TV.
Anywho, who do you think turned up, playing a platinum blond curly wig-wearing space yokel with a bad Merkin accent, but a young Peter Davidson!
I laughed lots. Z-grade sci-fi is occasionally very rewarding.
Tim - that's so cool! I want pictures!
Caoin - fab-u-lous!
Apparently there are reports that the new season of torchwood will be watered down for the doctor who time slot.
with jack only making cameos not actually a full time characters and martha becoming full time.
If they did either it would ruin what torchwood had going for it. A more adult version of doctor who.
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